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80% of companies who measure the ROI of their loyalty program reported a positive ROI, earning 4.9x more revenue than what they spend, on average.

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Learn how to grow with Launch Loyalty

Adaptive Solutions for a Successful Membership

As a leading innovator, Launch Loyalty harnesses years of industry knowledge to build and customize fully compliant, versatile in-house membership plans that allow dental offices to focus more on their patients and maximize their return on relationships.

Adaptive solutions graphic.

Memberships Make All the Difference

Whether we are creating a new discount plan or taking the burdens of an existing plan off your plate, our administrative solutions benefit your practice and patients while increasing profit with one single membership.

"Studies report approximately 83% of consumers are likely to stay with a dental practice that has an in-house dental membership plan. Furthermore, existing patients typically spend around 31% more than new patients."

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Increase Patient Lifetime Value

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Elevate Brand Awareness

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Increase Company Revenue

Subscribing to Growth

Launch Loyalty is synonymous with effective personalized in-house membership plans, affordability, and loyalty. Watch our video to see how our capabilities are utilized to scale your practice beyond expectations.

Learn about our tools for success and the method to our memberships.