Outsource an Existing Membership

Outsource your membership to streamline revenue goals, improve office efficiency and more without the need to create a new plan.

Official Launch Loyalty rocket. LET'S CONNECT

See how growth leads to success

Female working at her desk.

Back Office Administrative Expertise for Front Office Success

Business tasks can add up quick and blur your focus. Launch Loyalty's fully compliant administration capabilities let you refocus on patients, leading to better long-term relationships.

Retain More Patients

Your plan branded with your plan name and logo secures the patient connection and keeps them returning for repeat visits.

Ensure Plan Compliance

Don't let state laws or regulations stunt your growth. We specialize in compliance so you don't have to.

Automate Enrollments

Shift from in-office manual enrollments to automated online enrollments. Launch Loyalty manages all initial and recurring member billing.

Increase Your Plan Value

Enhance your plan with special offers and value-adding products and services, including vision, LASIK, hearing, Rx, telemedicine and more.

Growth From Any Starting Point

Our experienced data-driven and patient-centered design focuses on returns for practices, wherever they're starting from.

Launch Loyalty clients have seen an 80% increase in membership plan retention rates from auto renewals.

Photo of plants growing in jars of coins.